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PointClickCare workflow integration

Track and manage AR and Tasks from PointClickCare.com (PCC).


Some of our incredible customers

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Dashboard of your PCC account receivables (AR) and Workflows

The Dashboard gives realtime visibility where your AR dollars are at - and where they're stuck.  From the big picture to the weeds.  Because it's tied to Facility, Payer and Staff member, there's accountability.  And a Percent Collected report that you can drill into.

AR Aging - product
AR Aging - product

Regular AR Aging updates from PCC

As your team is works the Aging, it's updated in automatically in our system.

It's where you can finally see your aging data (meaning: where are the dollars?) merged with your operational data (meaning: what's being done about it?).


Email notifications from PCC

Get an emailed everytime an event happens in PCC. For example, get emailed notificatios when a new Admission (or Re-Admit, or Transfer In) occurs.

No more waiting 24 hours to notify team members, or constantly running reports.

AR Aging - product

"The team really likes it. They can actually see the AR Aging in real time. Meaning, they don't have to wonder: 'did my claim get paid or not?' and run a new aging report. And I can see my whole team's Notes online on the AR Aging. So I know which claims are being worked, and which not."

AR Aging - product

Configure any Workflow 

Easily configure a new workflow to manage any new process.

Be flexible and agile by adding Workflows to your native PCC processes.

Automatic Triggers

Tell our system what event in PCC should automatically Trigger a Workflow in ARP.  

For example:

  • Trigger the Admissions Workflow for a new admit in the Action Summary report
  • Trigger the Aging Workflow for any Balance over 120 days in the AR Aging
  • Trigger the Eligibility Workflow for any failed e new admit in the Action Summary report
AR Aging - product
AR Aging - product

Reduce spreadsheet and email sprawl

Tracking and managing in our system online means that your team can reduce the spreadsheets and emails.

All data is centralized, and visible to everyone.

"Getting paid in healthcare is about tracking and knowing what's going on. The industry needs this. There hasn't been good tracking of what's going on. Until you guys came."

Find Out How AR Proactive Can Help Your Healthcare Operation

Book a 30-minute demo session. We'll learn more about your business: where you're at, and where you want to get to. Then we show you how we can save you time, and be more profitable.


Featured integrations

We integrate with whatever practice software and EMR's you have. We're system agnostic. But we play extra nicely with the following softwares.